This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable skills and attitudes of  Organic Agriculture Production NC ll in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as: raise organic chicken, produce organic vegetable, produced organic fertilizer and produce organic concoctions and extracts. It also has two (2) elective competencies: raise organic hogs and raise organic small ruminants.

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:
• Organic Agriculture Farmer
• Organic Chicken Raiser
• Organic Hogs Raiser
• Organic Small Ruminants Raiser
• Organic Vegetables Farmer
• Organic Concoctions and Extracts Producer
• Organic Fertilizer Producer

1. Participate in workplace communication
2. Work in team environment
3. Solve/address general workplace problems
4. Develop Career and Life Decisions
5. Contribute to workplace innovation
6. Present relevant information
7. Practice Occupational Safety and Health Policies And Procedures
8. Exercise Efficient and Effective Sustainable Practices in the workplace
9. Practice Entrepreneurial Skills in the Workplace